New Year, New Becoming

2015 was a year of further depth for me personally. On the fleshly side, I found that friendships ebbed and flowed, a new job lead to an intellectual flourishing, and a renewed blossoming in my marriage. On the spiritual side, an unburdening of material possessions, deciding to plan for and transition to a simpler lifestyle, and more readings on exploring my own path toward an open spirituality with the help of some eastern traditions revitalized my overall view of life.

I look forward to more of the same in the coming year. More specifically, my goals for this year (goals, because resolutions are so temporary!) include ideas encapsulated in the acronym: MY COW. Uninterestingly, the acronym has nothing to do with the goals. They are:

Meditation practice twice weekly
Yoga practice twice weekly
Churning Class (teaching about travel hacking 6 times/year)
Ogham (a board game I created that I hope to produce)
Writing informally twice monthly

All of these pursuits will have overtones or an undercurrent of a burgeoning spiritual energy that I intend to foster in my relationships and in my personal growth.

Paul Kolak


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